Mistakes Lottery Winners Make


You’ve just become one of the elite group of lottery winners. Now starts the important process of of how to collect your money, where to put your money and how to manage your money going forward. Did you really think there would be no work involved? There is more work and responsibility in managing huge sums of money than you could imagine and you could make mistakes. You should actually be planning well in advance of winning the lottery.

Unless you are a financial wizard, it is highly recommended that you retain an accountant that focuses their work on lottery winners. They will be the most educated and up to date individuals with regards to laws and taxes or other legalities. You could also hire a lottery attorney to assist you in your quest to do whats best for you. Many winners have trusted in themselves to go about the process of handling their own money because they feel they are good in that way. Problem is, they generally have never handled such a huge sum of money in their lives.

Don’t carry huge sums of money around with you. Never flash your money or even tell people you have won the lottery. Thee are skilled professionals out there looking to fleece the newfound wealth right from your clutches.

You just won money, not happiness. Expecting to be happy just because you won some money is furthest from what will actually happen. Sure it may relieve some financial burden you have and you may feel euphoric after the big win, but happiness does not come in the form of money.

Never expect someone will look out for you and take control for you. You have to take control for yourself. I would be careful of anyone that approaches you and says they have your best interest in my. I would also change my phone number. Remember this, “A fool and his money are soon parted”.

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